World leading scientists and top experts are exposing the so called climate crisis as a scam, designed to enrich the elites and impoverish the populations.

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How “climate change” is used to remove all your rights and freedoms

Cities around the world are being turned into Smart Cities, where all personal data from the people is recorded, even what everyone thinks and feels.

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How Smart Cities will lock up humanity inside open air concentration camps

Millions lost their job, were refused health care, could not access banking services, could not enter shopping centers, etc. for not being vaccinated.

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How vaccine mandates have destroyed millions of lives around the world

The United Nations are being unmasked as a compromised organization, run by criminal oligarchs, who use it to enrich themselves and enslave humanity.

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Dark Secrets of the United Nations Revealed By Top Official

Health care workers reveal how patients are being murdered in hospitals, and are labeled as covid deaths, in return for big money.

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Millions are Murdered for Money in Hospitals – Must See Documentaries