As far as we - the general public - are concerned, our nations are governed by our governments, right? What if I told you this is the greatest lie in our world today? In this article you will learn who the true rulers of our nations are. This will be explained using the United States as an example, but the same applies to almost every country in the world. Make sure to read to the end, so you gain an accurate understanding of the world you live in, and can therefore make the right decisions.
✔︎ Fact checkED
The People Are Deceived With
The Illusion of Freedom

Every year the people of the United States rejoice, during the most important celebration of the year: Independence Day on the 4th of July. They remember how America was 'liberated' from the tyrannical oppression of the satanic elites of the British Empire, in 1776. Fireworks are seen all throughout the skies of the U.S. and millions of people dance on the streets, waving the American flag, to celebrate the 'deliverance' of their country. They are very proud to be 'The land of the free, because of the brave.'
There is however something highly disturbing about this excited celebration, in which virtually every American participates. It is one of the most blatant examples of mass deception. Why? Because there is no such thing as freedom, independence, or deliverance for the American people, whatsoever.
The reality is that the United States has always been owned and controlled by the very British elites, they claim to be liberated from.
Although there was an attempt to break away from the British elites in the 18th century, it failed miserably, and since the early 19th century America was once again nothing but a franchise of the British elites.
But who are these British elites, and why are they called 'satanic'?
The Agenda For World Tyranny
By The British Elites
Historically the British always had a strategy to conquer the world. They invaded many different nations and seized total control over them, to expand the British Empire. The map below shows the official extent of this empire in the 19th century. Unofficially it was, however, much greater, as behind the scenes they also controlled dozens of other nations, America being one of them. In fact, they have their controlling hand in virtually every nation of the world.

'Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves! Britons never, never, never will be slaves' they sang aloud, while enslaving the rest of the world, murdering millions of people, and stealing all natural resources of every country they invaded. They went about the entire world like a bunch of brutal thugs, murdering, torturing, raping and robbing everyone on their path, meanwhile cheering 'God Bless The Queen!', although she had little to do with it, as the true powers operated behind the curtains of the Royal theatre.
After overpowering the natives of the land, they established criminal governments and imposed tyrannical laws, which enslaved the people.
In 1949 the British Empire was rebranded into The Commonwealth, with the absurd claim that the Great Masters suddenly let go of their Precious Slaves. Of course they did nothing of the sorts, but wisely changed their method of public and visible enslavement, to a more subtle, behind the scenes way of enslaving the people. Through the Commonwealth over 56 nations are still effectively under the control of the British: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, large parts of Africa, and many more. On the surface these nations appear as sovereign entities, with their own governments, flags, anthems, elections and so on, but the truth is, this is a sophisticated puppet theatre, to create the illusion of independence. While at first the elites visibly enslaved the world to their claws of merciless tyranny, they soon learned it is more effective to create the illusion of democracy and freedom, while strictly maintaining full control behind the scenes.
That way the people are not even aware they are being enslaved, and therefore will not revolt. It's a perfect scenario.
Today the controlling hand of the British elites is in literally every nation of the world, all throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, and the America's. Many refer to their influence as the 'Deep State' which refers to the fact that they manipulate governments from within the shadows, where the public is not aware of their existence. This has proven to be an extremely effective strategy.
One of their key methods to gain control over nations is by manipulating elections, to ensure that their agents occupy the highest seats of power.
The City Of London And
The Worship Of The Dragon
A remarkable characteristic of the British elites, is that they are involved in a religion called Luciferianism. This spiritual practice includes ritual rape, torture and murder of humans (especially children) as a sacrifice to dark spiritual forces, in exchange for power and wealth. This has been profoundly revealed and confirmed by different insiders of the elites, like for example Ronald Bernard. This man operated at a high level within the financial elites, and was offered astronomical wealth, if he would partake in the sacrificing of children.
Listen to the astonishing eyewitness testimony of high level bankster Ronald Bernard, who was offered astronomical wealth, if he would partake in child sacrifice.
One of the headquarters of the British elites is the City of London, not to be confused with London City. The City Of London is a one square mile area in the heart of London City, and is the financial center of the world. The City of London is a sovereign state, not submitted to the British government, but on the contrary it rules over the British parliament and Royal family. The City of London is not submitted to any jurisdiction, and can therefore not be legally prosecuted, making anyone operating from within this sovereign area technically untouchable. A perfect dream for any criminal.

The skyscrapers of the City of London, the financial center of the world, in the heart of London City.

The City of London has its own police, mayor, and legal system, to protect those operating within its boundaries.
These entities are the ones who control the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, etc. They own all major banks in the world and effectively control the flow of money all around the world. They are also behind Vanguard and BlackRock, the two corporations who own the majority of the shares of every large corporation in the western world, giving them an effective monopoly over every existing industry, be it technology, media, finance, healthcare, housing, agriculture, clothing, travel, etc.
They hold the invisible strings to which presidents, ministers, senators and governors are connected.
Watch one of the world's most revolutionary documentaries, that reveals how almost everything in the world is owned by one single corporation.
What is remarkable about the City of London is that it is surrounded by 14 statues of a dragon. Also, their coat of arms shows two dragons with the creed: 'Domine Dirige Nos', which is Latin for ‘Lord Guide Us.'

The City of London publicly states who they worship: The Dragon.
Who is this dragon? According to the Scriptures the 'Great Dragon' or the 'Ancient Serpent', also called 'Satan' or 'Devil', is a powerful spiritual entity that is able to deceive all the nations of the world.
'The great dragon... that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.' (Revelation 12:9)

One of the 14 statues of THE DRAGON, also referred to as Satan or the Devil, that surround the City of London.
The British elites make it no secret that they are guided by the Dragon or Satan. Our groundbreaking film The Mystery of Israel documents how a ruling family within the elites, the Rothschilds, publicly display their involvement in satanism.
While the 'Great Dragon' is the spiritual entity behind the worldwide deceptions, the practical outworking of his schemes is done by the elites, who have been manipulating every form of information on Earth: history, science, religion, philosophy, finance, news media, and so on. They manipulate every aspect of information in our world, making them the effective workforce of this dragon who 'deceives all the nations of the world'.
Zionist Jews And The Ancient Plot
To Rule The World
What is also apparent about these elites, is that most of them have assumed a Jewish identity. That is because their end goal is to set up Jerusalem as the center of their one world government.
See the evidence in our highly revealing and internationally acclaimed documentary, The Mystery Of Israel.
For that same reason the majority of the elites have dual citizenship with Israel. Whether they are Americans, Australians, Britons, Germans, Italians, Chinese, Africans... they all hold dual citizenship with Israel.
The state of Israel is at the very heart of the British elites. It was the British government who issued the Balfour Declaration to the Rothschilds, which started the process of invading the land of Palestine and establish a new military state which they strategically called 'Israel', in order to ensure the support of the billions of Christians worldwide.
Unprecedented worldwide mind control operations run by the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, convinced all Christians worldwide to support this state. Those who did not support it, would be 'cursed by God'. This strategy of religious intimidation was extremely successful, as today two billion Christians worldwide 'stand with Israel', believing that will bring them God's blessing, while otherwise they would live under a divine curse. Anyone criticizing the genocidal operations of Israel, who slaughtered millions of innocent people, was labeled an 'anti-semite' or 'Jew hater', which further shut down all critical voices.
That is how the British elites were able to establish this military state as the new center of their operations towards a one world government, with the future headquarters in Jerusalem.
There is, however, something critical that everyone has to understand, when it comes to the so called Jewish identity of the elites. They are a different kind of 'Jew' than what it traditionally means to be a Jew or Israelite. Being a Jew according to both the Torah and the New Testament has nothing to do with lineage, genetics, politics or finances. A Jew according to the original Scriptures is anyone, irrespective of ethnicity, who is dedicated to God and walks in His love. The apostle Paul, who was trained at the highest level of Jewish scholarship, said that a Jew is everyone who has accepted Christ, and lives according to His love. See for example the letter of Paul to the Galatians.
The high ranking traditional Jewish scholar Paul outlined the stark contrast between the true Israel, which is a spiritual nation of freedom, and it's opponent, the false Israel of slavery. Very few Christians understand the existence of these two radically opposing Israels.
Elitist Jews reject the Scriptural Israel, and have resurrected it's opponent: a freemason, military state of terror and extreme sexual perversion, that is destined to rule the entire world.
So there are effectively two types of Jews: the traditional Jews, who love God and people, and do good to everyone. And the elitist Jews - also called Zionist Jews - who oppress, abuse and slaughter their fellow man, because they believe they are a higher race, destined to rule over the rest of mankind, through violence on the one hand, but mostly through covert operations to subdue humanity to their control.
The Claim To The Divine Right
Of Ruling Over Mankind
Zionist Jews hold to an ancient belief that they are a superior race, with different DNA than the rest of humanity, and they have the divine right to enslave the world to their rule. This mindset is the result of a misinterpretation of certain scriptures in the Torah. There is for example Micah 4:7 which says:
'And the Lord will reign over them on Mount Zion, from now on and forever.' (Micah 4:7).
A further reading of the Scriptures explains that this is talking about the Jewis Messiah Jesus Christ who establishes the love of God in the hearts of people, all around the world. This is how God reigns: by pouring out love in the hearts of men.
Zionist Jews, however, interpret these kinds of scriptures as a mandate for them to rule the entire world.
Historically they have been focussing on seizing all positions of power, anywhere in the world. That's why you find Zionist Jews at every high position, be it in government, news media, healthcare, finance, entertainment, etc.
✔︎ The CEO's of all major vaccine companies are Zionist Jews (example: Albert Borula, CEO of Pfizer).
✔︎ The heads of the FDA and CDC are Zionist Jews (example: Mandy K. Cohen from the CDC).
✔︎ The heads of the worldwide financial system are Zionist Jews (example: Kristalina Georgieva from the International Monetary Fund).
✔︎ The heads of social media are Zionist Jews (example: Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook).
✔︎ The heads of global e-commerce are Zionist Jews (example, Jeffrey Bezos from Amazon).
✔︎ The heads of the news media are Zionist Jews (Jeff Zucker, former CEO of CNN).
And so on.
Zionist Jews believe they are the only true humans and the rest of mankind are animals. This ideology stems from several statements in the Talmud, as for example this quote from Yebamoth 98a:
'"The flesh of gentiles is the flesh of donkeys, and their semen is the semen of horses” (Ezekiel 23:20), i.e., the offspring of a male gentile is considered no more related to him than the offspring of donkeys and horses.'
The belief that non-Israelites are animals, was officially stated by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who said about the Palestinian families:
'We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.'
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu also declared publicly that non-Jews are wild beasts:
'In the area that we live in, we must defend ourselves against the wild beasts.'

Palestinian children are 'animals' and 'wild beasts' according to Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Gallant. Israel has murdered more than ten thousand children in Gaza, the past months, and over a hundred thousand children the past few years.
This mindset of superiority was also confirmed by Alex Thompson, a former intelligence agent in service of the British elites, who testified at the Grand Jury with attorney Dr Reiner Fuellmich. Thompson was raised at boarding schools of the British elites in London, and was trained to support their agenda for world domination. He revealed how the seniors of the British elites often talked about the people on the streets of London as 'their cattle'. Download the Grand Jury document.
It is critical to understand this fundamental belief of the Zionist elites, that they alone are truly humans, and all of us are animals, cattle, bugs, donkeys, cockroaches, etc.
In their mind, this justifies their operations to murder billions of people through organized wars, orchestrated pandemics, food poisoning, mandating lethal injections, and other world crises. To them, committing genocide on humanity is no different than squashing bugs. They believe it is their duty to dramatically reduce the world population, ideally to a maximum number of 500 million people, as officially stated on their Georgia Guidestones (which were recently destroyed by an explosion).
This genocidal mindset is inspired by the spiritual dimension they worship, the Dragon or Satan, also called Lucifer, which means Light Bearer. They believe Satan or Lucifer is the true God, who enlightens the world. That's why their international network is called the 'Illuminati' or the 'enlightened ones'. It is also why the United Nations support the Lucis Trust, formerly called the Lucifer Trust, founded by occult medium Alice Bailey. The Lucis Trust openly states that they prepare the world for the appearance of the 'World Teacher', who will rule over humanity from within Jerusalem.
They are convinced that Lucifer will guide mankind to the true light... which means total tyranny and slavery.
We can see this in all their actions:
✔︎ Remove all free speech and censor all voices worldwide, in order to have a 'safer world'.
✔︎ Inject everyone constantly with toxic coktails of undisclosed poisons, to have a 'healthier' world.
✔︎ Push pedophilia, LGBTQA+ and transgenderism to have a more 'inclusive' world.
✔︎ Spray the skies with trillions of gallons of toxic chemicals to 'save the world'.
✔︎ Destroy farming and force everyone to eat GMO bugs, to have a 'world without hunger'.
And so on.
They always claim that their diabolical terror is for the betterment of the world.
The World Economic Forum has the slogan 'Improving the state of the world', while they want to block the sun, remove all private possession, lock up humanity in prison cities, record everyones thoughts and emotions 24/7, replace humans with humanoids, and so on.
Lucifer and his executives, the elites, present themselves as the light of the world, while they terrorize mankind.
The Failed Attempt To Break Away From The Satanic Elites

In the 18th century the Founding Fathers of America tried breaking away from this satanic cult, and established the United States as a haven for liberty and happiness. A new nation no longer submitted to the Dragon of the City of London, but in worship to the Creator of all life, Jesus Christ.
America was intended to be the opposite of the British Empire, with liberation of the people instead of enslavement.
But soon after they declared the United States a free country, it was infiltrated and subverted again by the British elites, who turned the United States into a corporation owned by Washington, DC which is a foreign entity owned by the City of London. Zionist Jews immedately regained control over every seat of power, and the attempt to liberate the people failed miserably. The so called 'Free United States' were once again a franchise of the same elites, they wanted to break away from. This restructuring of the USA into a franchise of the City of London was however carefully concealed from the American people, and the illusion was widely promoted that America is a 'free' nation. That's why Independence Day is a bad joke to fool the masses who have no clue about what is truly going on.
There is no freedom for the American people. Every American is literally a subject to foreign entities who have been stealing everything from the American people.
You wanna have a home? They tax the heck out of you. You wanna have land? They tax you. You wanna have a car? They tax you. You wanna have a trailer to move stuff? They tax you. You wanna sell something? They tax you. You receive an inheritance? They tax you. You want to bless somebody with a gift? They tax you. You wanna farm? They tax you. You wanna have a business? They tax you. They tax everything you do, buy, own, give, and so much more.
And all this tax money goes into the pockets of these foreign entities.
That's why the U.S. is in such extreme debt, while every year the IRS rakes in trillions of tax dollars. How can a nation with 300 million people, who are being taxed on every move they make, have trillions of dollars of debt? It's because the taxes don't return to the nation, but flow straight to the foreign rulers. The United States is being robbed blind.
It is the same situation in most countries around the world, where trillions flow from every nation, to the pockets of these elites, who use these funds to further establish their world domination.
A New Operation To Liberate
America And The World
The original attempt to liberate America from the death grip of the elites, may have failed, but the battle is not over. In several historic speeches Donald Trump made the profound statement that he will put an end to the terror of Washington DC and deliver America once and for all from these elites. Watch the short but very powerful video below...
This quote from his speech says it all:
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.
The Washington establishment and the financial corporations that fund it, exist for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election, for those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interests. They partner with these people that don't have your good in mind.
Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven't seen before. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government.
It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.
This election will determine whether we're a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact, controlled by a small handful of global special interests, rigging the system.
During his 2016 inauguration something significant happened. Trump made the statement that the power was being removed from Washington DC and being brought back to the American people. When he said that, the US military came standing behind him, showing publicly that Trump is not alone in his effort.The impact of this is beyond what most of us can comprehend.
It’s meaningful that president Trump celebrated his last 4th of July not in Washington, DC but at Mount Rushmore, where the Founding Fathers are carved in the rocks. That was a profound statement...
Trump has been making it clear in many different ways that he is part of a military operation to truly liberate America once and for all from the tyrannical elites.
There have been countless worldwide mind control operations to ensure that every person on Earth would hate Trump, and consider him a threat. In reality these attacks have been unleashed upon our minds, because Trump is the frontman of a worldwide strategy to uproot the widespread infiltration of the elites inside the USA, and worldwide. After they have liberated America, they will do the same for the rest of the world. This military alliance, which connects many military around the world, aims to permanently eliminate these satanic elites, once and for all, and offer humanity a brand new world.
For many of us this sounds too good to be true, but I encourage you to wait and see what happens the coming years.
There are profound reasons to believe that America will soon see a true 4th of July, the rebirth of a nation that will truly be set free from the suffocating death grip of the British and Zionist Jewish elites.
If you struggle to trust Trump, because he released the vaccines for the pandemic 1.5 years sooner than the elites had planned, then I encourage you to read this revealing answer.
I will answer the question why Trump plays the role of being Israel's greatest supporter, in a coming post. Stay tuned.

In this age of extreme disinformation and innumerable psychological operations to control our minds, it is imperative that we take effort to accurately inform ourselves with actual facts, instead of drifting out into the dark depths of deception with unfounded suspicions, fears and rumors.
I have attempted to provide a crystal clear, consice and yet essentially comprehensive insight into who Trump really is, who he represents, what this military operation is, and why we can know that there is a legit plan to rebirth a truly liberated American republic, and deliver the entire world form the satanic grip of this Serpent. You find this information in the following two sections on
If you value our mission, then please support us. We need your help to continue serving you and many worldwide with truth, hope and vision for a better world. Go here to support us. Thank you!
David Sorensen
More information
Open the container below to find more information about how the United States was converted into a corporation owned by the British Elites, through Washington DC.
✔︎ Dunn and Bradstreet, Government of the United States corporation
✔︎ 28 USC 3002 (The United States is a federal corporation)
✔︎ Rules for state secession, US Supreme Court: Texas v. White 1869
✔︎ Lincoln's proclamation 22 Sep 1862 (reference to "Executive Government")
✔︎ Lincoln's proclamation 1 Jan 1863 (reference to "Executive Government")
✔︎ 14th Amendment, section 1, putting US citizenship above state citizenship:
✔︎ Dunn and Bradstreet, State of Colorado corporation:
✔︎ Forming a government for US/District of Columbia in 1871 (in violation of Constitution)
✔︎ Summary of the US corporation
✔︎ Missing 13th Amendment (including a photograph)
✔︎ The Creature from Jekyll Island (G. Edward Griffin)
✔︎ 16th Amendment (allowing income tax on corporations):
✔︎ Dept of Treasury organizational chart
✔︎ Social Security is unconstitutional
✔︎ Northwest Ordinance of 1787
✔︎ "Re-inhabited" Vol 1 and 2, by Jean and David Hertler
✔︎ Reading of Republic's Declaration of Sovereign Intent and Proclamation of Claim and Interest
✔︎ Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates
✔︎ NESARA and GESARA (history of the concepts)