Truth is hard. Truth is confronting. Truth is the light that we all fear. But truth is the ONLY THING – nothing else – that will truly set us free.

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Truth Is The Greatest Force In The Universe. Why Are We So Afraid Of It?

Who is Jesus Christ, on whose birth our calendar is based? The entire world celebrates his birth, every year again. Why is Jesus so important?

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Who is this Jesus Christ, that everybody is talking about?

A powerful call for Christians to rise as beacons of hope and agents of change, reflecting Christ’s mission to bring light, justice, and healing to every facet of our world. Embrace your divine purpose and stand against darkness with unwavering faith.

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An Urgent Prophetic Call To All The Christians In Our World Today

God is the source of all life. The Creator of all the magnificent wonders in nature. The giver of all that is good. The judge of all people. The directive for our lives. It is he who calls us to live in truth and love and to turn away from selfishness and wickedness. He teaches

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We see so much evil in this world, and know we need God. But who is God?

When mankind returns to its Source and Destiny, and receives the love that heals our hearts, then we become invincible to the demons of the dark realm.

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What does our world really need, to become a better place? 

I received supernatural, prophetic dreams about Donald Trump that completely changed my opinion about him. This is an eye-opener.

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I asked God: “Can I trust Trump?” That night I had an incredible dream…