Never before was there such darkness on Earth. The darkness will try to extinguish your light, through despair. Don’t give in to it.

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Don’t give up in the present darkness, but press on to the bright new day

Millions lost their job, were refused health care, could not access banking services, could not enter shopping centers, etc. for not being vaccinated.

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How vaccine mandates have destroyed millions of lives around the world

Something unprecedented is happening in our world, that will forever change the course of history and lay the foundation for a better world, where everyone can live in more abundance, peace, and well-being. 

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Have you heard about the greatest movement in all of human history?

You are about to see the very heart of the great dragon, who deceives all the nations of the world, in order to enslave the human race to hi tyranny.

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Piercing the heart of the dragon, who deceives the nations of the world

Maria Zee interviews David Sorensen about the Israeli agenda for world domination and how the Mossad and CIA managed to convince most Christians to support this plan.

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Maria Zeee interviews David Sorensen about Israels agenda for world domination

When I was conceived, a dark voice whispered to my parents: “Kill him!” They seriously considered aborting me, and prevent me from ever seeing the daylight.

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They tried to kill me, so I would not be able to tell you this