Former PFIZER vice-president Dr. Michael Yeadon warns humanity not to take the vaccineFormer Pfizer vice-president and chief scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon warns humanity strongly not to take the vaccine, and explains in depth why the injections are very dangerous. Read More Former PFIZER vice-president Dr. Michael Yeadon warns humanity not to take the vaccine
DIED SUDDENLY – Is this the film of the century? Watch now!Since mass vaccinations began, a new phenomenon is being observed in every country of the world: perfectly healthy people die suddenly. Read More DIED SUDDENLY – Is this the film of the century? Watch now!
Vaccine documentaries that reveal the dangers of mass injectionsThese vaccine documentaries are powerful eye openers and life savers, produced by caring physicians. Make sure to watch and share them. Read More Vaccine documentaries that reveal the dangers of mass injections
The Criminal Death Center (CDC) unleashes hell upon childrenThe Criminal Death Center (CDC) has unanimously decided to mass murder millions of beautiful, precious, divine and unique children. Read More The Criminal Death Center (CDC) unleashes hell upon children
The secret reason why Trump released the vaccines years sooner than plannedVery few people understand how Operation Warp Speed has literally saved the world from total devastation. Read More The secret reason why Trump released the vaccines years sooner than planned