In this interview researcher David Sorensen explains how the WHO is grooming little children worldwide for pedophiles, through public schools

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How the WHO grooms children for pedophiles in public schools worldwide

World leading scientists and top experts are exposing the so called climate crisis as a scam, designed to enrich the elites and impoverish the populations.

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How “climate change” is used to remove all your rights and freedoms

Nobody is telling you this. Child trafficking is not in the jungles of Mexico, but in the sky scrapers of New York, Washington DC, London and Paris!

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What you don’t know about the movie “Sound of Freedom”

Vanguard is the one entity in the world that virtually owns all the big industries in the world, be it pharmaceutical, news media, insurance, hospitals, technology, travel, food, mining, gas, oil, banking, and so on.

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Virtually everything in our world is owned by a single corporation

Cities around the world are being turned into Smart Cities, where all personal data from the people is recorded, even what everyone thinks and feels.

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How Smart Cities will lock up humanity inside open air concentration camps

Pedophiles don’t produce offspring, and minors engaging with adults don’t become heads of large families, which will save the earth, claims the WEF.

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The push to normalize pedophilia

Big Tech collaborates with Big Pharma to create vaccines that inject nanotechnology into humans, starting the process of transhumanism, says Dr. Madej

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Vaccines insert nanobots in our bodies, turning us into HUMAN 2.0, says Dr. Madej

“We buy politicians. A senator can be bought for 10,000 USD.” says a BlackRock recruiter to an undercover journalist of the O’Keefe Media Group.

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“We buy politicians. A senator is f*** cheap. You can buy them for 10k.”