God is the source of all life. The Creator of all the magnificent wonders in nature. The giver of all that is good. The judge of all people. The directive for our lives. It is he who calls us to live in truth and love and to turn away from selfishness and wickedness. He teaches

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We see so much evil in this world, and know we need God. But who is God?

Government documents reveal the use of chemtrails for weather modification. Leading scientists warn for catastrophic effects.

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CHEMTRAILS: Do Governments Spray Chemicals For Weather Modification?

We can choose real life or a fake existence. Nature and the outdoors is real life. There everything grows, blooms, vibrates and flows. You have adventures there, and enjoy them to the fullest. You are surrounded by pure LIFE all around you.The birds, butterflies, bees, beetles, the animals, the water, the plants and flowers, trees

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Return To The Paradise That Was Given To You And Your Beloved Ones

People, no matter what happens in the coming years, please know it is TEMPORARY.  The wars, the economic collapse, the food shortages, the second pandemic, the cyber attack, the outages, the civil unrest…  we are watching the final convulsions of a defeated and dying serpent, that is desperately trying to do as much damage as possible

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Don’t Despair, There’s Hope After The Storm

There is a storm coming over the world that is like nothing humanity has ever seen before. Darkness will cover the nations and chaos will erupt in many places. Evil will manifest itself in ways never seen on Earth.

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There is a massive storm coming our way. Will we finally pay attention?

The Fall of Cabal announces the downfall of the 1%, often referred to as the Cabal: a small group of superrich people who run the world.

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FALL OF THE CABAL – The End Of The Satanists Who Terrorize Humanity

When mankind returns to its Source and Destiny, and receives the love that heals our hearts, then we become invincible to the demons of the dark realm.

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What does our world really need, to become a better place?