Dear Friends For Freedom,
I wanted to share a touching email I received today…
Dear David,
I wanted to kill myself today, and just give up 😭😭😭😭
Then I saw your video. Thank You ❤️🙏
I have had dreams and visions since I was little of all this evil on Earth. The corrupt system. Trafficking. Satanism.
I knew we were able to stop it, with Gods help. But no one believed me. They threatened to put me into a mental institution. So I stopped talking about it.
I did not take the Convid vaccine. I knew the truth about it. No one listened to me.
I knew Trump would be President. God told me he would use him to open a lot of truths. Get things out in the open.
But I’m so tired of being on Earth 😭😭😭 I’m too honest, too kind, too smart. It is torture being here when you can see the truth. And everyone around you says you are crazy.
Because of your video and that Trump is President now I will hold on. These are exciting times.
With Love from Angel
It is amazing to see that a video about the hopeful future we have, thanks to Donald Trump, saved somebody's life! If you want to know what video that was, you can see it here.
The amazing thing is that millions of people have had this experience. I personally have received so many emails from people who have had supernatural, divine dreams and visions about Donald Trump. I myself, and my wife also received several dreams about Trump.
One night, in 2016, I prayed with all my heart to God to show me if Trump is good or bad. I needed to know. It was a deep, intense cry of my heart, not just a random prayer. I pleaded with the Most High to reveal to me if I could trust Trump or not.
That night I had a dream… I saw the statue of The Thinker, made by the famous French artists Rodin. But the head of the statue was Trump’s head.

Then I saw what he was thinking… Above is head all his deep inner thoughts were visualized.
Everything he was thinking was how to restore America and the world. It was amazing,
I woke up from that dream, with a warm sense of godly love for Trump.
Another dream I had about Donald Trump was from 2020. I was inside the White House and saw Trump in the distance. I walked up to him, and as I approached, he took me in his arms, and pressed me against his chest, holding my head close to his heart. He lifted his head up, with is eyes closed, and simply held my head against his heart. This went on for a long time.
I knew what the message was:
‘You may not understand everything that is happening, or what I am doing. BUT STAY CLOSE TO MY HEART.’
That dream helped me through the past years where I indeed didn’t understand what Trump was doing. But I knew his heart.
I want to encourage all of you to start seeking the heart of God concerning Donald Trump. I see so many people distrust him, hate him, or twist every word, always trying to paint him black. Once you hear from the Almighty, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt, what the truth is.
It is time for judgment over evil

When we migrated from Europe to America in 2016, to start our mission to fight for freedom and a better world, we received a prophetic message from a fiend of ours. We know him as somebody who genuinely hears the voice of God. He sent us an email that said:
‘The first years will be difficult, because God is going to judge evil in America. But after that, the desires of your heart will be fulfilled.’
That person had no idea what was about to happen. He was not into politics. He simply shared what God told him. And we saw how indeed Trump started a campaign of judging the evil in America. He is a tool in the hands of God.
Four years later I was called to start Stop World Control. There were several supernatural dreams and miraculous signs that all said the same thing: ‘David, start Stop World Control to defeat demonic giants all around the world. You will have government level impact.’
When I received all these signals, I knelt down and prayed with all my heart again:
‘God, you have to show me one thing, before I can start this mission. I need to know this, otherwise it is impossible to obey your calling. Please answer this one question: are we about to enter a dark age? Will evil be allowed to rule the world for a time? Or are we about to see a worldwide victory of light and truth? What should I prepare for?’
The answer came the very next day. A lady who is a prophetic intercessor (which means she hears from God what she must pray for) sent me an email.
Interestingly I had received a dream about this lady a few months earlier. I hadn’t seen her in ten years, but in the dream I saw her and I heard a voice say: ‘She is part of your apostolic support team!’ I emailed her that morning and her reply confirmed the dream. She answered: ‘Hey David, how nice to hear from you! Did you now I have been praying for you and Renate ever day the past ten years?’ I was blown way. Indeed, she was part of our spiritual support team, as I saw in the dream.
The day after I had knelt down and asked God if we were about to enter a dark age or if we would see a breakthrough of truth, she emailed me. This is what she said:
‘David, last night I received a very strong vision. I was taken up in the spirit, and I saw the entire Earth. All of Earth was covered by the body of a snake. Every country was partially or fully covered with the body of that snake.
Then I saw how in every nation there were little flames. As I looked closer, I saw that these flames were people, who were hitting the body of the snake with an axe. As they did, a terrible stench came from the body.
Then the vision shifted and I saw America. In America there were many more flames than anywhere else in the world. All these people were hitting the body of the snake, and I saw that in America the snake was almost completely cut in half.
David, God is telling you that the victory is near, the snake is almost conquered. Tell the people to keep doing what they are doing.’
What an answer to my outcry to God! No, we are not about to head into a dark age, but the snake that covers the world is almost cut in half in America.
The next day the lady emailed me again, and said:
‘David, there is more I have to tell you. I hesitated at first because I didn’t understand this. But in the vision I also saw the head of the serpent. It was in the Vatican! The head of the serpent was in the Vatican! And this head was shaking violently back and forth, in total agony, because it was being cut in half.’
That totally validated the vision for me, because this lady didn’t know about the cabal back then. Nor did she have any idea that the head of this worldwide evil is indeed in the Vatican. They even have a new large auditorium, built to show the head of a snake. Look closely…. You can see the teeth in the middle.

When I listened to more prophetic ministries in America, I noticed that the few of them that I consider to be trustworthy, all have the same message:
‘We are headed for a Kingdom age. A new are of victory of heaven on Earth. Justice wil be restored, God is judging evil.’
I could not ignore that this message was being repeated over and over, by every minister I observed, that I knew is truthful. It also aligned with a message I had been receiving for the past twenty years. As I had a Christian ministry in Europe, I began hearing the voice of the Creator about the future. He gave me this message:
'The Church has been subjected to a mind control operation to steal the hope, vision, victory and influence of the Christians worldwide. This mind control operation has been telling all believers worldwide that evil is about to rule on Earth, and there is nothing they can do about it, but wait for a rapture that will save them. But I am going to give you insight into this topic, and you will receive a message of hope for My people. Because I am restoring My creation and I want to use you for that as well. So start studying the topic of the end times, because I will give you clear undersstanding about this.’
That launched me on a journey of fifteen years, during which I constantly studied this topic and came to the conclusion that indeed, Christianity has been infiltrated and hijacked by the heads of global satanism, to tell the two billion people:
‘Stop trying to save the world, because evil will rule the world and you cannot stop it.’
We see the result in the Churches worldwide: the vast majority of believers never do anything to expel evil, improve their community, or heal humanity. Most hide inside their churches, waiting to be saved by Jesus Christ. But it is not our calling to wait to be saved. Our mandate is to rise and shine, be a bright light in the world, heal the hurting, end all injustice and weed out all evil.
I can go on and on and on about all the supernatural messages I have received about the future. I am not standing on my own authority when I say there is hope. I don’t say lightly that I trust the mission of Donald Trump. People have opinions and feelings, and many of us are influenced by the realm of darkness that has been inciting distrust and hatred against Trump.
But when you truly hear from the Creator of all life, He who is a true guiding light, and who never lies, than you have a firm foundation.
Just as when I talk about God, we lost an enormous amount of support, since I started sharing the amazing good things that Trump is doing. We are at a point again, where we wonder how to go on with our mission. But I cannot change my message. I know God is real and I know Trump is his instrument to put an end to evil. If you value me speaking the truth, without compromising for money, then please support us, so we can continue.
May the truth march on in our hearts and this world.
We have a beautiful future!
David Sorensen
Stop World Control