If President Trump is on the side of humanity, why then is he funding a large scale AI project, talking about mRNA vaccines to fight cancer, and supporting Israel?
The Christian Alliance That is
saving the world

In previous posts we have shown the existence of an an international Christian military alliance that has been planning for decades to save humanity from the Satanic agenda for world tyranny. These military intelligence experts are running the most brilliant - and therefor irregular - operation of all time. Their mission is to end the global rule of evil, and usher in a new era of hope and restoration for mankind, under the guidance of Jesus Christ.
Regular citizens, and even most military officers, government officials and science experts struggle to understand some of these complex operations. They are contrary to everything we know, think and understand. That's why we sometimes need a little help in understanding these actions.
Trump, The Chosen Frontman

President Trump is the public figure of this worldwide operation, that is saving the human race from the plan to install satanism as the norm in our world. Characteristics of this satanic rule is the normalization of pedophilia, transgenderism, LGBTQA perversion, extreme tyranny, removal of all rights and freedoms, making all of mankind totally dependent on the satanic elites, etc.
They want to determine your life in terms of sexuality, food, healthcare, religion, finance - everything!
Donald J. Trump was chosen by the worldwide alliance of Christian military intelligence officers to be the frontman of their divine operation to save the human race from this diabolical plot. Trump was selected because of his uncommon intellectual genius, combined with his background within the elites and his decision to step away from their evil.
Trump knows the ins and outs of the satanic elites more than anyone else, and can therefore strategize effectively to eliminate them.
President Trump also genuinely loves America and doesn't want to see his country destroyed in favor of a diabolical world government. Furthermore he has dedicated his life to Jesus Christ, whom he publicly calls the 'Savior of the world, and the Messiah' (see video below).
Trump says something that will shake all Jews worldwide. He states that Jesus Christ is THE MESSIAH. I don't know if you understand the significance of this...
— (@davidjsorensen) December 26, 2024
Confusing Intelligence Strategies

In order to overcome the agenda for world tyranny and extreme global perversion, Trump and the military have to resort to certain methods that are based on deception, in order to trick their enemies.
This can be confusing for the public. On the one hand we see Trump take great actions, like ending censorship, restoring freedom, stopping transgenderism, ending taxes, bringing Christ back into society, removing the influence of Deep State agents, etc.
On the other hand he does things that raise questions, like releasing vaccines to end lockdowns, seemingly supporting genocide in Gaza, and promoting the development of AI.
How should we interpret those moves made by Trump?
Some resort to a superficial rhetoric that claims he is evil, just like the satanic elites. That makes no sense, as Trump is systematically dismantling the entire worldwide system of satanism, corruption, tyranny and perversion. We must, therefore, seek a more mature approach, and learn insights that help us see beyond the surface, and discern the deeper strategies.
In the post below you will find answers to the following questions:
Why is President Trump supporting the state of Israel, that is murdering thousands of children in Gaza?
Why is President Trump funding a 500 billion dollar project to develop AI all across America?
Why is President Trump giving the floor to people who suggest using AI mRNA vaccines, to combat cancer?
In a world full of immature, superficial and confusing opinions, it is imperative that we grow up and learn to discern the deeper meaning of things. Make a decision now to be informed on a higher level, and gain an accurate understanding.
Trump & AI: Good or Bad?

AI is not bad in itself. In fact, AI can be one of humanities best friends and assistants. Already millions of people are building new businesses, writing books, improving their workflow, making better videos, having more success with advertising, etc with AI.
AI is like a knife: it can be used to kill somebody, but also to cut away cancer. It all depends on who controls it.
Trump is not a idiot, who will be left behind, while the entire world is moving forward with AI. It is a massive blessing for our world, when used the right way. The wicked want to use it to further their plans for enslavement of the human race. Trump wants to use it to empower and elevate the human race.
The only way you can make sure AI will be used for good, is by making sure you become the best in the world with AI. Staying behind is foolish. Running ahead of the competition is wisdom.
the end of humanity
In this incredible film we expose how the globalists are planning to replace mankind with humanoid robots, controlled by AI. This is what Trump is going to prevent, by using AI in a good way, to empower humanity.
Trump & mRNA vaccines

When it comes to the mRNA vaccines to fight cancer, we should understand that everything Trump does is always for the good. That is why he has been hated, attacked, slandered, accused, obstructed, betrayed constantly the past ten years.
When he released the C19 vaccines with Warpspeed, many of us didn’t understand it either. But our mind-blowing, eye-opening film ‘Warpspeed Stopped The FEMA camps’ showed how this operation literally saved all of humanity from the true agenda of the cabal.
Their plan was to have ten years of ongoing lockdowns, due to constant new virus variants and new pandemics.
When the world was locked down, everybody was wearing masks, vaccine mandates were everywhere, the unvaccinated were being excluded from society, censorship shut down all truth, millions were dying all around us, Klaus Schwab and Tedros from the WHO both sad:
They planned on making all those horrors the new normal. Forever. A new world, full of masks, social distancing, injection mandates, surveillance, police violence, censorship, etc. Forever! It would only get worse, and worse, and worse and worse.
It was also their plan to eliminate all the dissenters through the quarantine camps. America built a thousand camps, China has even more. Camps were being built all over Canada, Australia, Israel, Europe, etc. All the unvaccinated would be removed from society, and only the compliant would remain.
The agenda was indescribably horrifying. Hell on Earth. Yet, we only experienced the first phases of it, because Trump stopped it in its tracks. He totally destroyed their plan, by releasing the vaccines ten years sooner than they had planned.
The cabal wanted to postpone the vaccines, in order to keep the world in lockdown for ten years. That would have totally devastated the entire world economy to the point where they needed it to be, so they could then implement the Great Reset: removal of all private possessions and make the entire world population fully dependent on the elites, who would own everything. No more small businesses, but everyone buying exclusively from their mega corporations.
Trump totally abolished that, by releasing vaccines ten years earlier than they wanted. By doing so he literally saved the entire world. The lockdowns ended, the mask mandates ended, the social distancing ended, the small businesses could all recover, and to the horror of the elites, the world simply went back to the old normal, just like that.
Their entire agenda fell to the ground. It was game over for them. Thanks to President Trump. All of humanity was saved from the tyranny and the New World Order. Thanks to Warpspeed. It totally and utterly destroyed their satanic plan.
When people say ‘Trump is not going to save you’ they express a severe stupidity, because he has already saved us from hell on earth, in an incredibly powerful way.
Nobody understood Warpspeed, yet it was his supreme plan that saved the world. And before Trump released the vaccines, he shouted from the rooftops, for months on end, how we don’t need vaccines, because there are so many therapeutics, cures and drugs. He tweeted over 40 times about hydroxychloroquine! But the world demanded a vaccine. So he gave it, and it saved humanity from the agenda of the elites.
That should teach us a lesson. Everything Trump does, is for the deliverance of our world, even though we don’t understand it.
So what is his plan with the AI developed mRNA vaccines? Time will tell. Just like with Warpspeed…. We will see his brilliant strategy as time goes by. Somebody wrote me that mRNA can be very powerful if done the right way. So who knows? We will see. Fact is Trump will never mandate any vaccines, and is restoring freedom in a powerful way.
Warpspeed stopped the fema camps
The true agenda of the pandemic was to have ten years of lockdowns, followed by a Great Reset of the entire world. The pandemic was supposed to lead to the New World Order. But it didn't happen. What stopped it?
Why does Trump
Support Israel?

Trump knows jolly well that Israel is his ultimate enemy. Who has been attacking him all the time? The mainstream news media. Who owns this media? Israel! The people owning the news agencies are Zionists from Israel.
Trump is being attacked viciously by the deep state, as he is exposing and destroying them. But who is the deep state?
Israel! They are the controlling power all throughout the worldwide cabal.
Who is behind the agenda for world domination, that Trump is taking down? Israel! It was founded for the very purpose of becoming the headquarters of the satanic world government. So when Trump is fighting world tyranny, he is fighting Israel.
Trump is the worst enemy of the Zionists. He knows that Israel is the center of their operations. He knows it better than anyone else.
But why is he then openly supporting Israel? Because Israel has totally hijacked the entire American people, the churches, and the government. Trumps entire voter base is Zionist. Everyone thinks Israel is good, and we must support it.
So Trump has to be the # 1 zionist of them all, to fool them.
But meanwhile we see how events are unfolding that are increasingly exposing Israel: they are killing millions of innocent people, invading surrounding nations to build ‘the greater Israel’. Israel is being exposed as the heart of all mind control operations that deceive humanity, and it has been revealed that Israel is the center for all sexual blackmailing operations through Epstein and Diddi, who are agents of the Israeli Mossad.
This is Trumps strategy: making sure that Israel is being exposed as the heart of the cabal, while he plays the game of being their greatest defender.
Trump cannot say one negative word about Israel in public, because he would be ousted right away by congress. He would lose his voter base. He would be defeated at once. So he plays the game of being the #1 zionist. But the strategy is to push Israel to expose itself, so the people would see it for themselves.
The Mystery of israel
This film has the power to deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a one world government from Jerusalem to enslave all of humanity.
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our work
We have lost almost all our support, because we talk about God and Trump. These are clearly the two topics people are most confused about. If you do appreciate my ongoing efforts to give clear insight, then please support our work. We need it badly. Thank you so much.